The last thing any homeowner wants is to pay out large sums of money to upgrade the home's HVAC system, however, with the extreme temperatures that the middle of winter or summer bring, many homeowner's direct their attention to the heating or cooling abilities of the current HVAC system. Before considering incurring the large expense of installing a more efficient and powerful heat pump or even a furnace, the homeowner needs to make sure that the house envelope is sealed well.
This means that the doors and windows should not leak and the insulation should be adequate to prevent the transfer of heat into or out of the interior of the home. Many homes however, can not claim to have the proper amount of insulation or properly installed insulation. While the insulation within the walls can be improved with loose fill being blown into the walls, the attic should be of greater concern.
Because heat rises, heat loss during the winter months is a major concern. Improper insulation in the attic accounts for having the heating system cycle on more frequently due to the loss of heat. Rather than piling on more insulation over the existing insulation in the attic, which can cause moisture and mold problems during the summer months, adding a radiant barrier is the quickest, safest, and most economical method to combat heat loss.
A radiant barrier acts, much like aluminum foil does when wrapped around a hot roll. It prevents rapid heat loss ensuring the inside stays warm. The results of properly installing a radiant barrier should be the retention of warmer air within the living quarters. When the heating cycle of the HVAC system kicks on, the intake will already have a warmer source of air with which to heat. The wear and tear on the air handler will be reduced and there should be longer time periods between the cycling of each heating cycle.
Providing a warm and comfortable atmosphere is what a radiant barrier can provide. Saving money through less wear and tear on the heating and cooling system and repair calls will save money. The less time the air handler and heat pump need to cycle on and off can yield savings better spent elsewhere instead of the utility bill. It really is a win-win solution for the homeowner to install a radiant barrier.
For more information and guidance about radiant barriers, thermal insulation, and Temper Shield, visit http://www.utilityimprovements.com]http://www.utilityimprovements.com. Utility Improvements has great videos on their site to illustrate the cost savings thermal barriers. Daniel Elliott authors articles for diverse audiences. WebDrafter.com, Inc. ( http://www.webdrafter.com) produces Websites and search engine marketing services for many of the clients related to the articles authored by Dan Elliott.
Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Save-Money-and-Improve-Insulation-With-Radiant-Barriers---Heating-a-Home-Without-Large-Utility-Bills&id=3224309] Save Money and Improve Insulation With Radiant Barriers - Heating a Home Without Large Utility Bills